Looking For a New, Exciting Career in Mental Health?
We offer valuable opportunities for Graduate students and Professionals to join our team and expand their career history, which could ultimately benefit resume building and profession excellence.
Who and What are we looking for?
Our office accepts Graduate students and Professionals who are in the process of working toward a Master's degree or receiving licensure with the state of Texas.
- LPC Associates
- LPCs
- LPAs
- Social Workers
Dr. E. Tamez is an Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Supervisor, which means each of our students work under the supervision of a licensed doctor of psychology.
How is the Experience For Students and Professionals in the Office?
Graduate students in our office are providing effective therapy sessions for our clients, while simultaneously getting the hours they need for practicum or internship.
Working under the supervision of a licensed psychologist allows for the exchange of knowledge between professions. With Dr. Tamez available to answer any questions the students may have, our clients receive counsel that is beneficial to both them and the therapist.
What Should I Do?
Send us your resume and any other documentation you feel is evident in regards to your professional goals.
- Office email: info@brownsvillepsych.com
*** Feel free to contact us at our main office phone line - 956-484-2972 for any career-based questions you may have.